Review is a custom essay writing service. The customer requests the work, giving information about the writing needed, and individual writers bid for the job. The customer can then select the writer which they feel will be best for the job. The customer can communicate directly with the writer and the funds are reserved at the beginning of the job and paid to the writer on completion.
Essay Pro will write essays, dissertations, research papers and term papers; an alternative to students writing them themselves. They specialise in academic writing, they do not focus on writing for blogs, online articles or marketing. They do not have a minimum timeframe for urgent orders. It is up to the individual writers to decide whether they can write the essay within the given timeframe.
The quality of the writing seems to be one of the main things that Essay Pro promotes. The word ‘quality’ is written many times on the website. The customer chooses their writer based on price as well as skill and aptitude. This might not provide the best writing. It would be tempting to choose a writer based on the price either assuming a high price guarantees quality or cutting costs. It is difficult to select a writer based on a few details on a website and a price. It might work better if the price were set per word and someone who knows the writers then selected an appropriate writer for the job.
There are plenty of positive reviews on the website. There isn’t a single negative review and only one mediocre review, which could suggest the reviews are selected by the company. The amount of reviews suggests that EssayPro are offering a legit service, it does not feel like a scam.
There is no clear pricing structure on the EssayPro website. The writers bid for the job, all offering a price that they feel is suitable. That makes it difficult to get a rough price for your job. They do not offer any discount codes, coupons or special offers. The price given by individual writers doesn’t necessarily reflect the quality of the writing. That makes it hard for the customer to make a choice.
There is a 24 hour a day online chat to help support customers. There isn’t the option to phone or email for support and there is no postal address. The website does not make it clear what support is available if there is a problem between the customer and the writer.
Essay Pro puts writers and customers in contact with each other. They don’t support the customer in choosing the writer. While they have a minimum price, it is difficult to see what the work will cost until the customer is choosing a writer. It is not clear whether the customer can change their mind if the bids from the writers are more than expected. The quality of the writing seems to be good, although there are no examples of previous work on the website.
EssayPro is not the best service to use to get academic articles written, there are other services that are better. Review comments(0)